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The Power of the Female Energy

Some of us may feel that our roll of being an older woman that people look to for advice is over. This is so far from the truth. A culmination of many experiences and a long history of past accomplishments make senior women wise and strong.

Many of us are the matriarch of our families. We have daughters, granddaughters and some have great-granddaughters. These females need our wisdom more than ever. Politics and government are a great place for women to step into power. As we witness the general breakdown of our societies, the Dalai Lama said, women will save civilization. In fact, he said something to the effect that Western women will save the world. Now, that is an enormous undertaking. It also points out that the male domination of the reins of power is ending. Cooperation, team playing, wisdom, common sense and leadership will be the hallmark of women’s rise.

Recently, another trailblazer, Madeleine Albright, died. She was the first female Secretary of State in America. Her suggestions for women bear repeating. She said “women need to act in a more confident manner”. Another, “Women need to ask questions when they occur and don’t wait to ask.”

Following are some suggestions that you can instill in the younger female generations:

Be a risk taker and develop confidence. You cannot be powerful unless you develop confidence.

Become visible, step out and be seen and heard.

Regularly upgrade your education and skills.

Surround yourself with people who demand more from you not just those who agree or are easy and comfortable.

Learn to be more assertive.

Learn to network with men and different diverse groups.

Stop putting pressure on yourself to be perfect in everything.

Stop apologizing.

Learn to ask for more income and charge enough for your services.

Learn to say “NO” to job offers that are not in line with your beliefs and expectations.

Evolving jobs need empowering women and levelling the playing field. The new service economy doesn’t rely on physical strength but skills that come easily to women, such as determination, attention to detail and measured thinking. The female brain is naturally wired for long-term strategic vision and community building. [WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM]

Societies that do not respect and acknowledge the female do not do well economically and cannot continue thrive. An example of this is many of the countries in the Middle East. There are many tribal rivalries, religious wars and poor economic conditions for the citizens who live in these regions. Most of them continue to maintain control over the female and do not allow her to be an equal in the society.

“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”

“I have learned that as long as I hold fast to my beliefs and values – and follow my own moral compass – then the only expectations I need to live up to are my own.” – Michelle Obama, mother of two daughters, and well respected as a force of her own!

Women, you are here today to help save civilization. You cannot shy away from the task. The world needs you to help improve society and replace those who want to harm it for their own power. Reminder for all of us to take to heart is this powerful quote from Audrey Hepburn…” Nothing is impossible; the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”

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