Wed, Jan 12
An Astrological Forecast & Trends for the Year Ahead
Astrological signatures are great carriers of the big picture messages.If we use this tool, we can receive information that can be incredibly useful. So, the question is "What can we expect for 2022?"
Time & Location
Jan 12, 2022, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Saddlebrooke, 64518 E Galveston Ln, Saddlebrooke, AZ 85739, USA
About the Event and Speaker
Astrological signatures are great carriers of the big picture messages. If we use this tool, we can receive information that can be incredibly useful. So, the question is "What can we expect for 2022?" The last two years have been doozies! In this talk, Sara will break down the astrological signatures for 2022 and bring an objective “30,000-foot view” of what is happening symbolically.*
*Limited astrology speak - I'll translate in English!
We look forward to sharing this sacred time with you.